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5×5 Strength Training | Stronglift Workout

Nina Chin
Writer and expert8 years ago
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Written by Jamie Bantleman / Personal Trainer

Often, we look at keeping repetitions low for strength to enable our bodies to reduce levels of fatigue. Using compound exercises such as a deadlift, squat, bench press or chin up, the low reps will ensure you can maintain a heavy weight while keeping safe form and tension on the muscle.


Strength training done efficiently will most definitely increase muscle mass as well as improve the body’s day to day function.


5x5 program


The way in which we create progression when strength training with a 5x5 program is not by getting the ‘most pumped’, or by leaving the gym with muscles so fatigued you can hardly move, it is in fact about being able to add weight to each lift over a 6 week period of training.


Each workout starts with the major lift, and following on from here should be exercises that compliments that particular movement. Such as, Back Squat can be followed by Barbell Front Front Elevated Split Squat, followed by High Foot Positioned Leg Press.


Training frequency should be 2 days on 1 day off, 2 days on 2 days off. Therefore, focusing on improving the following lifts:


Day 1: Back Squat

Day 2: Bench Press

Day 3: Rest

Day 4: Deadlift

Day 5: Chin Up

Day 6: Rest

Day 7: Rest


On your rest days, I would advise increasing calorie intake from carbohydrate sources while maintaining a high protein diet. This will be ideal for allowing for replenishment and muscle fibre recovery.



Back Squat
Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Heavy Back Squat 5 5 3010 120s
B1 Barbell Front Foot Elevated Split Squat 5 8 3110 10s
B2 Dumbbell Walking Lunges 5 8 3110 90s
C1 Low Foot Leg Press 5 8 3110 10s
C2 Lying Leg Curl 5 8 3110 90s


5x5 program


Bench Press
Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Bench Press 5 5 3010 120s
B1 High Incline Dumbbell Press 5 8 3110 10s
B2 Reverse Shoulder Press 5 8 3110 90s
C1 Incline Cable Flies 5 8 3110 10s
C2 Wide Grip Press Ups 5 8 3110 90s



Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Deadlift 5 5 3010 120s
B1 Block Deadlift 5 8 3110 10s
B2 RDL 5 8 3110 90s
C1 Rack Deadlift 5 8 3110 10s
C2 Standing Single Leg Curl 5 8 3110 90s


Chin Up
Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Wide Grip Chin Up 5 5 3010 120s
B1 Single Arm Lateral Pull Down 5 8 3110 10s
B2 Semi Supinated Seated Row 5 8 3110 90s
C1 Prone Pull Down From Bench 5 8 3110 10s
C2 High Face Pull w/external rotations 5 8 3110 90s



For more tips on training, nutrition and supplements contact Jamie Bantleman at and visit Facebook - Jamie Bantleman - Body Transformation Specialist 


Whey Protein

Lean muscle

Foam Roller



Muscle recovery

Nina Chin
Writer and expert
View Nina Chin's profile