‘No Negatives’ | Stoltmans Try Vegan Supplements

I don’t know about you, but when I picture a strongman diet, I picture meat— lots of meat — and protein. So imagine my surprise when I found out Luke and Tom Stoltman, Myprotein’s favourite strongman brothers, have decided to switch up their diet for vegan supplements this January.
As a strongman, any changes to your diet can hugely impact your training — it can result in a loss of strength or a reduction in energy — so the brothers taking on such a change is a big deal, especially with prep for the Arnolds and Britain’s Strongest Man in full swing. Here’s hoping their vegan supplements won’t make them any weaker.
Let’s check in to see how Tom and Luke are getting on.
Time to go vegan
Luke, like a lot of people on TikTok, is partial to some overnight oats. Great news – that’s one way to make some vegan swaps.
He includes organic chia super seeds, vegan protein blend and white chocolate Vegan FlavDrops. All pulled together in a tasty jar of overnight oats.
The reviews are in...
Tom’s opted to keep things simple. Instead of having an Impact Whey Protein shake, he has a Vegan Protein Blend shake. But there’s one non-negotiable. It must be chocolate.
Time to do some deadlifts
With competitions coming up, the brothers are in full training mode. That means deadlifts. And they don’t mess around, with both managing more than 20 reps of 280kg. We're not sure if the sound effects are due to the vegan supplements or if they’ve always been there. Either way, it’s pretty clear they’re as strong as ever.
By the end of week one
Take Home Message
It’s no surprise to us that Vegan FlavDrops are a big hit with both brothers. Tom likes vanilla drops in his coffee and Luke likes white chocolate drops in his overnight oats. You really can’t go wrong with Vegan FlavDrops, a certified fan and Stoltman favourite.
Let’s finish on a “top tip from big Tommy”:

39-Year-Old Explains How Attempting Veganuary Changed His Life
Warning: this may leave you wanting to ditch the meat.

7 Supplements & Snacks You Didn't Know Were Vegan
You may be surprised by what made the list...

Cold Peanut Noodle Salad Meal Prep | Easy Vegan Recipe
A low-calorie lunch that’s packed with flavour.