It's the time of year when everyone's hitting the gym, but that doesn't mean you have to follow the crowd. You can get in a proper workout without even leaving the house.
If you're more comfortable working out at home or don't have the time to get to the gym, we've got you covered with all the advice you need to start your home training. Plus, we’ve got some home workout exercises that’ll have you working up a sweat whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced.
Is home training effective?
Just because you're not in a gym doesn't mean you can't get a great workout. In fact, working out at home can be a fantastic way to get in some intense exercise while feeling comfortable in your own space.
There are loads of different ways to workout at home, even if you have limited equipment or time. It's all about being smart and making the most of your efforts through different movements or exercises.
Why is training from home important?
Training from home has many benefits. If you suffer with a little gymtimidation, it's a great way to gain confidence and learn some new moves. Plus, it's a cost-effective solution for those who struggle with the price of gym memberships.
And for those short on time, a quick home workout means you can still exercise despite having a busy schedule.
Can training from home help build muscle or help with weight loss?
Even if you’re training from home, it doesn’t mean you can’t set yourself the same goals as those who are heading to the gym. From building muscle to weight loss there is always a technique to help you hit your goal at home.
Weight loss: Mixing high-intensity circuit training with or without equipment can help you burn calories and manage body weight sustainably.
Build muscle: Adding weights, kettlebells, or resistance bands to your workout routine can help you get stronger and build muscle at home. Even without equipment, some calisthenics can do the trick too.
Improve mobility & flexibility: With a mat, yoga block, and bands, you can do yoga, pilates, and mobility circuits at home to improve strength, flexibility, and mobility.
Boost cardiovascular health: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can get your heart rate up, helping you get fitter faster.
How do I start training at home?
Ready to get started on your home workouts? Here are some tips to make your training a success.
Dedicate a space in your home for workouts
Having a designated workout space will help you get in the right mindset and focus on your workout. You can add weights or small equipment if needed, or keep it simple with a mat on the floor. Just make sure everything you need is within reach before starting.
Find a programme to meet your fitness goals or create your own
To ensure progress, it's important to find a programme that meets your fitness goals, or you can create your own using your favourite exercises. If you need some inspiration, look up some workouts online or on YouTube.
Aim for 3-4 workouts per week, mixing it up with full body circuits or split upper and lower days.
Begin with small goals
Setting goals, big or small, will give you a reason to keep going, especially when motivation is low. Start with smaller, daily or weekly goals to ease into a workout routine.
Pick up some basic workout equipment
If you're looking to challenge yourself and build muscle, basic equipment like dumbbells, kettlebells, and resistance bands can help you progress. And if you have the space, a cardio machine can be a great addition between weight-based sessions.
Work out with family or friends
Working out with friends and family can help hold you accountable and boost confidence, especially when starting out. It can also help you get into a routine when you have a commitment.
It doesn’t even need to be in person — online workout sessions are a great way to connect and get a fun session in with friends or family.

At-home workouts to get your started
No matter your goals or home workout space we’ve pulled together a variety of exercises you can add into your sessions. So, grab and mat and get started.
Warm-ups and stretching routines
Jogging on spot
Equipment: None
Stand on your toes and bring one knee up towards your hip until your knee is bent at a 90-degree angle, then drop it back down to the floor.
Repeat with the other leg and keep alternating.
Wide squat with a twist
Equipment: None
Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders and lower yourself into a sumo squat.
Place your hands on your knees, push through your right hand and twist your chest to face your left knee.
Skipping/speed skipping
Equipment: Skipping rope
Hold the rope at a 45-degree angle, swing it over your head, and jump over it as it comes down.
Interlaced forward fold
Equipment: Dumbbells (optional)
Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, interlock your hands behind your back, and lift them up towards the ceiling.
Hinge at the hips to lower your chest down, relax your head and hold for 10-20 seconds.
Walk-outs to press-ups
Equipment: None
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bend from the hip taking your hands to the floor, keeping your legs straight.
Slowly walk your hands out so you are moving into the high plank position, keeping your core engaged.
Once in the high plank, lower your chest to the floor in a press up and then back up to plank, before walking your hands back to your feet and returning to the standing start position.
Y & T Superman stretch
Equipment: None
Lie face down with your legs straight and arms in a “Y” formation.
Pull your shoulders back, lift your chest, arms, and legs up, hold for 5 seconds and lower them back down.
Move your arms out wide to form a “T” shape and repeat. Alternate between “Y” and “T” movements 5-10 times.
At-home workouts for building muscle
Equipment: None
Get into a high plank position, with your hands placed as wide apart as feels comfortable.
The wider your hands, the more you'll work your chest and the narrower your hands, the more your triceps will be involved.
Slowly lower your chest towards the floor, bending at the elbows while keeping your abs tight.
Just before you reach the floor, push back up to the start position.
If you can't complete the movement on your feet, then drop to your knees and repeat the process.
Equipment: Dumbbells (held by side) or none
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and the dumbbells held in front of you.
Engage your core and lower yourself into a squat, bending the knees to 90 degrees, keeping your back straight and core tight.
Push through your feet at the bottom of the movement, driving your hips up, and return to standing.
Equipment: None
Begin in a plank position on your forearms.
Push up on your left side until your arms are straight, then follow with your right arm so you're now in a high plank.
Lower down onto your left forearm, then your right, making sure to keep your core engaged and back straight throughout.
Alternative Lunge
Equipment: Dumbbells (held by side) or none
Stand with your feet staggered, with your left foot slightly in front of your right foot and your hands on your hips or arms out in front.
Engage your core and bend your knees like in a normal lunge, driving your back knee towards the floor.
Push through both feet at the bottom of the movement to return to standing.
Mountain climbers to press-ups
Equipment: None
Start in a high plank position with your hands placed as wide apart as feels comfortable.
Engage your core and drive your right knee towards your chest, then your left. After that, lower your chest towards the floor, bending at the elbows while keeping your abs tight.
Just before you reach the floor, push back up to the start position.
Barbell squat thrusters
Equipment: Dumbbells
Stand with feet hip-width apart and the dumbbells held in front of you.
Engage your core and lower yourself into a squat, bending the knees to 90 degrees, keeping your back straight and core tight.
Push through your feet at the bottom of the movement, driving your hips up, and press the dumbbells overhead in a shoulder press.
Lower the dumbbells back to your chest and drop into the next squat and repeat.

At-home workouts for losing weight
Star jumps
Equipment: None
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Squat down by pushing your hips back and down while keeping your chest lifted and your core engaged.
Jump up and land back into squat position, repeating the movement.
Kettlebell swing
Equipment: Kettlebell
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and with kettlebell on the floor in front of you.
Grab the kettlebell handle and hinge at the hips, pulling it back between your legs to start momentum.
Drive your hips forward and lift the kettlebell to shoulder height, keeping your core engaged and your chest raised.
Equipment: None
Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
Squat down while keeping your core engaged.
Place your hands on the floor in front of you, jump your feet back into a high plank position, and then lower your body to the ground.
Jump your feet back into your hands and return to the squat position before jumping up and repeating.
Kettlebell single arm swing
Equipment: Kettlebell
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and with the kettlebell on the floor in front of you.
Grab the kettlebell handle with one hand, hinge at hips and pull back between legs to start momentum.
Drive your hips forward and lift the kettlebell to shoulder height, keeping your core engaged and your chest lifted.
Continuously switch hands or work each arm for 30 seconds before switching.
360-degree squat jumps
Equipment: None
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then squat down by pushing your hips back and down, keeping your chest lifted and core engaged.
Jump up and rotate your body 360 degrees, landing in a squat position facing the opposite way. Repeat.
Kettlebell alternating snatch
Equipment: Kettlebell
Start with the kettlebell on the floor in front of you, feet shoulder-width apart.
Grab the kettlebell handle with one hand, hinge at the hips, and pull it back between your legs to start the momentum. Swing it back between your legs, then drive your hips forward and lift the kettlebell up and over your head.
Release your fingers and press your palm into the handle, allowing the momentum of the bell to carry it all the way to the top.
Drop the kettlebell back down and swing it back between your legs.
Try to switch shoulders at the top of each swing or work each arm for 30 seconds before switching.
At-home workouts for toning up
Star Jumps with a floor touch
Equipment: None
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Do a squat movement by driving hips back and keeping your back straight.
Touch one hand to the floor and jump back up in a star jump, landing softly.
Repeat with the other hand.
Dumbbell Glute Bridge
Equipment: Dumbbells
Lie flat on your back with knees bent and feet close to your glutes.
Place a dumbbell across your hips or use your hands to stabilise yourself.
Contract your glutes and lift your hips towards the ceiling.
Pause, squeeze your glutes and abs, and then lower your hips to the floor.
Squat Jumps
Equipment: None
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
Do a squat movement, keeping your chest lifted and core engaged.
Power up to a jump and repeat.
Dumbbell stiff leg deadlift
Equipment: Dumbbells
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and overhand grip on dumbbells.
Bend your knees slightly.
Engage your core and lower the dumbbells by hinging at the hip, keeping your back straight.
Drive your hips forward to return to the start position.
Lunge jumps
Equipment: Dumbbells by side
Stand with your feet staggered, left foot in front.
Engage your core and bend at the knee like in a lunge movement, driving your back knee towards the floor.
Push through both feet and switch feet positions mid-air, landing back in a lunge position.
Plank rotations
Equipment: None
Start in high plank with core engaged and hands shoulder-width apart.
Shift your weight to the right side, twisting your chest and raising your left arm.
Pause, then rotate back down.
Repeat on the left side.
Take Home Message
You don’t need to go to the gym to work up a sweat. It's perfectly possible to reach your fitness goals from the comfort of your own home.
Follow our tips and exercises to get started on your home workout journey. Just make sure you set up a space and grab some equipment first. Oh, and you’ll also need to put in the effort.
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