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10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up How We Feel About Gyms Reopening

10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up How We Feel About Gyms Reopening
Evangeline Howarth
Writer and expert4 years ago
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Gyms in the UK are being allowed to reopen from the 25th July and we are excited to get back to exercising properly. These gym reopening memes that people have been posting on social media perfectly sum up how we feel about it all.


1. Pure excitement

This meme shows just how excited we were to hear the news in the UK: absolute pure joy.


2. 4 months and tomorrow is finally here

We will sleep well on the 24th — but we will probably be sleeping even better on the 25th after our first workout back.


3. Everything will feel complete once more

We cannot wait for a more normal routine using some pre-workout. That means stocking up on some more because you will probably have burned through your whole supply by now.


4. How weak will we all be after a 4-month break?

Hopefully we won’t be down to 60% but still, this UK gym reopening meme gets it right: we’re all worried to see the four-month-off aftermath.


5. Probably very weak

The No.1 exercise we are both dreading and looking forward to when we get back in the gym: the bench press. Hopefully even with social distancing we are still allowed to bring our spotter.


6. Easing ourselves back in

Taking our time to get back into our routines. This meme will definitely be a few of us when we get back to the gym.


7. Not easing ourselves back in

This meme, however, is for those that do want to go 100% right off the bat.


8. 4 months of preparation

Wipe the dust off your hoodies and duffel bags and get ready to work out like Agatha Trunchbull from Matilda when the gym doors open up.


9. Avoiding the changing room mirror

Everyone will have let themselves go, so the locker room will probably be a sadder place for the time being (with people diverting their gaze from mirrors at all times.) The best solution is probably to just keep your shirt on and stare at the floor.


10. Back to the little weights

Ouch. This one hits where it hurts but remember that losing that previous progress is an opportunity to build it back up again, so let’s get to it.


Take home message

We are all excited to get back to the gym in the UK and these gym reopening memes sum it up perfectly.

Just remember to stay safe out there, be sensible, and if you are worried about heading back and what the gyms will be like, check out our deep-dive on the reopening gyms: What will gyms be like when they reopen?

Let us know how you are feeling about going back to the gym (and send us your own memes) on our socials like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @Myprotein.

Evangeline Howarth
Writer and expert
View Evangeline Howarth's profile
Evangeline is a Veganuary convert and newbie vegan with a degree in English and French from the University of Nottingham. Having recently ditched the meat and dairy, she really enjoys the new flavours and cooking techniques she’s encountered on a plant-based diet. She’s been shocked by the millions of ways you can use tofu, however still hasn’t found a decent cheese substitute! When she’s not in the office or eating, Evangeline usually out running or sailing. As a qualified RYA Dinghy Instructor and a marathon runner, she knows the importance of providing your body with the right nutrients for endurance sports as well as a busy lifestyle. Find out more about Evie's experience here.