If you’ve been knocking around here for a while you’ll be well acquainted with the World’s Strongest brothers – Tom and Luke Stoltman. Between them they have quite the resume including two World’s Strongest Man titles, Europe’s Strongest Man, Britain’s Strongest Man, and five Scotland’s Strongest Man titles – the trophy cabinet needs reinforcing.
But they weren’t alone in the gym recently. They were joined by Harry Stoltman – their brother and aspiring strongman – and Jordan Mulligan, filmmaker and fellow lifter. He’s also dispelling any rumours that vegans aren’t as strong as omnivores.
While Jordan refers to himself as a lifter in his Instagram bio, he’s a little bit more than that. He’s a strongman in the making. What started off as, and to some extent still is, a hobby – Jordan can shift some serious weight in some classic strongman moves. And can even give Tom, the ‘King of the Stones’, a run for his money.
On a sunny day in Invergordon, the three Stoltman brothers were enjoying a standard deadlift session, while Jordan was in the market for a new personal best or two. The gym was full of the sounds of clattering plates as barbells were loaded and lugged about by the guys, all working towards their own aim for the day.
Harry was aiming to deadlift 220kg for three sets of two reps. Luke was taking the same weight on for four sets of two. And Tom was going for five reps of three. The operation ran as a well-oiled machine, each swapping in and out.
Hitting the PB
On the other side of the gym however, Jordan was taking things seriously. If there’s ever a time to reach a PB, it’s in the Stoltman gym with the World’s Strongest cheering you on. Coming into the day his deadlift record was 270kg. His aim for the day was 280kg, and it was lifted with ease. At which point Jordan decided he'd better go for a second PB – 300kg.
With the Stolties in his corner, and the promise of Tom going vegan if he achieved it, Jordan stepped up to the plate and hit his second record of the day. Over to you Tom, will it be a post-Christmas Veganuary?
With records under his belt, fire, and plant-based fuel in his belly, Jordan took to the atlas stones – shocking even the World’s Strongest Man. With no warm up, Jordan raised a 160kg stone straight away – the look on Tom’s face said it all. And with no larking about, he then lifted a 210kg atlas stone just as quickly.
Tom confessed that even he doesn't move stones like that and resorted to banishing Jordan from the Stoltman gym forever. He was kidding… we think.
Take home message
And there we have it, the World’s Strongest Vegan crowned by the World’s Strongest Brothers themselves. If you’ve been debating veganism, or aiming for Veganuary – take this as your sign. You don’t lose strength if you maintain your protein intake and training schedule. Jordan is evidence of this.
All that’s left to do is warn Tom and Luke – watch your backs, Jordan might be coming for your titles.
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