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100 Pull-Ups A Day For 30 Days — Here’s What Happened

The king of challenges is back. After the success of his 200 press-ups a day challenge, Stan Browney wanted to see what happens when you do 100 pull-ups every day for 30 days.

In typical Browney fashion, he sprung a surprise on his friends, roping in the unsuspecting Arjen, Johannes and Jorg to take on the challenge.

So, what happened? Were the results worth it? Or was it the worst decision of their life? Let’s find out.

For the challenge, Browney wanted to pick participants of varying skill levels. First up was Browney regular Arjen — it wouldn’t be a Browney video without him, would it? — who, unsurprisingly, is a pull-up pro. In the intermediate corner was Jorg, Stan’s brother. And representing beginners was Johannes the cameraman.

As usual at the start of a challenge, Stan took all the relevant measurements to see how the participants sized up at the beginning and end.


Measurements day one

Day 1 measurements (Johannes) 

Back  99cm 
Lats  38cm 
Left arm  36cm 
Right arm  36cm 
Left forearm  29cm 
Right forearm  29cm 
Belly  84cm 
Weight  82.2kg 

Day 1 measurements (Jorg) 

Back  106cm 
Lats  43cm 
Left arm  37.5cm 
Right arm  38cm 
Left forearm  30cm 
Right forearm  31cm 
Belly  95cm 
Weight  90.7kg 

Day 1 measurements (Arjen) 

Back  103cm 
Lats  42cm 
Left arm  37cm 
Right arm  38cm 
Left forearm  29cm 
Right forearm  30cm 
Belly  82cm 
Weight  74.7kg 


Pull-up test (day one)


Maximum number of pull-ups (day one) 







Time taken for 100 reps (day one) 


27 minutes 


45 minutes 


9 minutes 

The rules were simple. Each participant had to complete 100 pull-ups every single day for 30 days. They didn’t have to be completed all at once — as long as each participant completed 100 a day, they were OK.

Unsurprisingly, some participants found the challenge difficult at first. Jorg was feeling intense DOMS in his forearms and biceps by day two. He was so sore he couldn’t extend his arms, and skipped the first four days of the challenge before coming clean to Stan.

Stan gave him some light exercises and stretches for him to complete, and by day 9, he was completing the full hundred every day.

But both Arjen and Johannes powered through the initial pain. Johannes even managed to fit in his pull-ups during an eight-hour road trip.

Sidenote: Stan’s challenges are never easy, and this one was no exception. Stan worked with the participants to ensure they were eating their maintenance calories, and plenty of calories to fuel their body for the gruelling work.

Just like that, they were 15 days in, and half of the challenge was done. That meant it was time for the half-time check-in.


Maximum number of pull-ups (day one) 

Maximum number of pull-ups (day 15) 


11  13 


14  8 


30  32 

Time taken for 100 reps (day one) 

Time taken for 100 reps (day 15) 


27 minutes  20 minutes 


45 minutes  Unable to finish 


9 minutes  8:20 minutes 

While Arjen and Johannes were seeing improvements in their performance, Jorg wasn’t. This left him feeling defeated. Jorg did one of transformations a while back but his fitness since then has lapsed. Halfway in, he was really struggling, but he wasn’t giving up.

On the other hand, Arjen’s enthusiasm for the challenge was unwavering, no matter where he was. In a hotel room, without a pull-up bar, he completed 100 of the lesser-seen floor pull-ups. Yes, you heard that right... Sometimes you have to get creative to make the most of a bad situation.

Floor pull-ups
  1. Lie on the floor on your front
  2. Roll up a towel and hold one end in each hand
  3. Your grip should be shoulder width-apart
  4. Then bring the towel into your chest while lifting your chest off the floor slightly
  5. In the final week of the challenge Arjen and Johannes fell sick. But that didn’t stop them. Stan offered them rest days, but they both declined. The challenge came before everything else.

After 30 days, they all headed back to the studio for the final results. The overwhelming consensus was they would not repeat the challenge. But if they broke their records, it would have been worth it.

Measurements day 30

Day one measurements (Johannes) 

Day 30 

Back  99cm  101cm 
Lats  38cm  40cm 
Left arm  36cm  36cm 
Right arm  36cm  36cm 
Left forearm  29cm  29cm 
Right forearm  29cm  30cm 
Belly  84cm  83cm 
Weight  82.2kg  80.9kg 


Day one measurements (Jorg) 

Day 30 

Back  106cm  106cm 
Lats  43cm  43cm 
Left arm  37.5cm  37.5cm 
Right arm  38cm  38cm 
Left forearm  30cm  30cm 
Right forearm  31cm  31cm 
Belly  95cm  95cm 
Weight  90.7kg  901.2kg 

Day one measurements (Arjen) 

Day 30 

Back  103cm  104cm 
Lats  42cm  43cm 
Left arm  37cm  37cm 
Right arm  38cm  38cm 
Left forearm  29cm  29cm 
Right forearm  30cm  30cm 
Belly  82cm  81.5cm 
Weight  74.7kg  73.6kg 

Overall, Johannes made the most gains, which was expected given he was a newbie. While the measurements suggest that Jorg didn’t see much improvement, it’s possible he lost some body fat and gained muscle in its place. And even Arjen, the seasoned pro, looked more toned at the end.

Pull-up test (day 30)


Maximum number of pull-ups (day one) 

Maximum number of pull-ups (day 15) 

Maximum number of pull-ups (day 30) 

Johannes  11  13  15 
Jorg  14  8  15 
Arjen  30  32  36 



Time taken for 100 reps (day one) 

Time taken for 100 reps (day 15) 

Time taken for 100 reps (day 30) 

Johannes  27 minutes  20 minutes  18 minutes 
Jorg  45 minutes  Unable to finish  23.50 minutes 
Arjen  9 minutes  8:20 minutes  7 minutes 


Take Home Message

Even though the challenge was difficult to complete, all participants made some impressive pull-up progress by day 30. And their reward was more than strength and size gains. Stan gave them $300 to share between them for all their hard work. Sweet.

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