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German Volume Training | Training Programme

Written by Jamie Bantleman


German Volume Training, commonly known as ‘GVT’ is a programme,  popularised by a strength coach, Charles Poliquin. Used with the intention of increasing lean muscle mass while its incredible volume will ensure fat loss as a by-product.


The first phase of German Volume Training is based around 10x10 of a particular exercise.


A1. Barbell Front Squat 10 Sets of 10 RepsA2. Lying Leg Curl 10 Sets of 10 Reps


German volume training



The training frequency of GVT is 3 days on, 1 day off, targeting the chest and back, legs and shoulders and arms in three separate sessions.


The law of repeated effort


When doing something over, and over, and over again, your body will respond in a massively effective way and this is what German Volume Training does. Repeating the exercise 100 times through one single workout will shock the body and ensure hypertrophy.


german volume training

The programme and how to do it


When working out, our bodies and mind fatigue at the best of times, when you are participating in a programme as gruelling as German Volume Training, it is vital that you keep to the time periods set, as well as noting down each set and weight once completed. This is something that will be of huge help to you come set 7 or 8 and you can’t think of anything else other than lifting the weight in your next set.


It is also important not to be working to complete failure at every set. Blowing your muscles out at every set will only mean failure to complete your workout. Remembering that this workout is not about strength increments, it is high volume to achieve hypertrophy. I would advise you to find a weight you can realistically do 12-15 reps with for 3 sets to do 10 sets of 10 reps. If you find this too easy, the following session you should look to increase it slightly.


Usually, a 6- week plan would be the ideal amount of time spent on German Volume Training, however, the same exercise for 6 weeks may get a little tedious, therefore, in this programme we will be working through different exercises to target the same muscle group. For example, for chest, week 1 will have an Incline Barbell Press, Week 2 will have Flat Dumbbell Press and Week 3 will have Dumbbell 1 1/4 Press. You will then revert back to week 1 in week 4, week 2 in week 5 and week 3 in week 6.


German volume training



Chest and Back Week 1
Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Incline Barbell Press 10 10 3010 30s
A2 Wide Lat Pull Down 10 10 3010 60s
B1 Flat Dumbbell Flies 3 12 3110 10s
B2 Low Seated Row 3 12 3110 60s
C1 Machine Chest Press 1 D/S 2010 X
Legs Week 1
Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Barbell Front Squat 10 10 3010 30s
A2 Lying Leg Curl 10 10 3010 60s
B1 Leg Extension 3 12 3110 10s
B2 Seated Leg Curl 3 12 3110 60s
C1 Hack Squat 1 D/S 2010 X
Arms and Shoulders Week 1
Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Dumbbell Shoulder Press 10 10 3010 30s
A2 Seated Lateral Raises 10 10 3010 60s
B1 Close Grip Barbell Press 3 12 3110 10s
B2 EZ Bar Preacher Curl 3 12 3110 60s
C1 Cable Bicep Curl 1 D/S 2010 X


Chest and Back Week 2
Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Flat Dumbbell Press 10 10 3010 30s
A2 Semi Supinated Lat Pull Down 10 10 3010 60s
B1 Seated Cable Flies 3 12 3110 10s
B2 Barbell Bent Over Row 3 12 3110 60s
C1 Seated Row 1 D/S 2010 X
Legs Week 2
Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Barbell Back Squat 10 10 3010 30s
A2 Hip Flexed Lying Leg Curl 10 10 3010 60s
B1 Leg Press Low Foot 3 12 3110 10s
B2 Leg Extension 3 12 3110 60s
C1 Standing Calf Raise 1 D/S 2010 X
Shoulders and Arms Week 2
Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Cable Preacher Bicep Curl 10 10 3010 30s
A2 Duel Rope Extension 10 10 3010 60s
B1 Reverse Shoulder Press 3 12 3110 10s
B2 High Face Pull 3 12 3110 60s
C1 Dumbbell Lateral Raise 1 D/S 2010 X


Chest and Back Week 3
Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Dumbbell 1 1/4 Chest Press 10 10 3010 30s
A2 Low Seated Row 10 10 3010 60s
B1 Incline Cable Flies 3 12 3110 10s
B2 Wide Lat Pull Down 3 12 3110 60s
C1 Incline Machine Chest Press 1 D/S 2010 X
Legs Week 3
Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Barbell Front Squat 10 10 3010 30s
A2 Incline Back Extension 10 10 3010 60s
B1 High Foot Leg Press 3 12 3110 10s
B2 Dumbbell Walking Lunges 3 12 3110 60s
C1 Leg Extension 1 D/S 2010 X
Arms Week 3
Order Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest
A1 Reverse Shoulder Press 10 10 3010 30s
A2 Reverse Cable Flies 10 10 3010 60s
B1 Dumbbell Zottman Curl 3 12 3110 10s
B2 EZ Bar Lying Tricep Extension 3 12 3110 60s
C1 Mechanical Dumbbell Curl (3 Grip Changes without dropping weight) 1 D/S 2010 X
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