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5 Exercise Fads That Died In The ’90s

In 2021 we’re always looking for more interesting ways to work out, and the novelty of a new gym class is always fun. But the ‘90s took novel workouts to a whole new level. Gimmicks were all the rage, and anything that you could do to intense dance music was a win. 

So here are 4 of the biggest ‘90s workouts that you’ve probably forgotten about, and some 2021 alternatives.


1. Step aerobics

Who knew that something as seemingly boring as stepping on and off a small platform could become such an iconic workout? Well, it did – step aerobics was the perfect way to show off your new leotard paired with a brand-new pair of tights. 

Created by Gin Miller in 1989, step aerobics involves stepping on and off a platform, usually to some questionable music, and sometimes with a couple of small dumbbells in hand for an extra burn. Although it’s become more of a niche workout in 2021, with a quick Google search you should still be able to find a class near you.2021 Alternative: Good old cardio.


2. Tae Bo

On the 27th March 2001, Train released ‘Drops of Jupiter’, with the iconic line “she checks out Mozart while she does Tae Bo”, and if that doesn’t tell you how iconic Tae Bo was, we don’t know what will. Created in 1976 by karate and taekwondo expert Billy Blanks, Tae Bo combines boxing, taekwondo and aerobics into one sweaty session. 

Tae Bo was a pretty intense workout, and it’ll definitely keep you from getting bored, however in 2021 you might be better off hitting a boxercise session as Tae Bo classes are few and far between. 

2021 Alternative: Boxercise

3. Eight-Minute Abs

Back in the ‘90s life was hectic and efficiency was everything. Enter, Eight-Minute Abs. The routine got your core burning in under ten minutes and offered endless words of encouragement to get you through it. 

The eight-minute routine was so popular that it was uploaded to YouTube in 2006, well after its creation, and has since garnered 30 million views. We’re here for making abs as quick and painless as possible so we reckon the 8-minute abs routine is well worth a try even in 2021. 

2021 Alternative: Nothing. We’re proud of you for doing abs at all. 


4. Celeb workout videos

Back in the day, buying video tapes of your favourite celeb standing in front of a camera (most likely in spandex) and telling you to “work those buns” was pretty common. 

You can probably picture the videos we mean, and you might even have a few hiding in your attic, but we’re gonna have to pass on this ‘90s fitness trend. Those celebs likely have a lot more help getting their figures than just a 30-minute aerobics workout...we recommend following a program lead by a qualified PT, rather than their highest-earning client. 

2021 Alternative: One of our ambassador workouts.


5. Rollerblading

Once thought of as one of the trendiest ways to keep fit, rollerblading is (unfortunately) a pretty rare site these days. Even though it’s not popular in 2021, you could dust off your old skates if you’re looking to mix up your usual cardio and put your balance to the test... 

2021 Alternative: A light jog.

Take home message 

We might not approve of some of these, but if your favourite way to workout is step aerobics, then we’re not going to stand in your way. Anything that gets you moving is probably a good thing. 

Check out our incredible offers this Impact Week and stock your kitchen with your favourite supplements for half the price. And, make sure to follow our Instagram to stay up to date on everything Myprotein.

Monica Green
Monica Green Content Manager

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