100% N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine Powder
Non-essential amino acid that can be added to your everyday shake
N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine (NALT) is an acetylated derivative of the non-essential amino acid L-tyrosine. Due to the acetylation it is suggested that NALT is more rapidly absorbed than tyrosine — helping you to reach your training goals.
- 300mg per serving
- Non-essential amino acid
- Naturally occurring in protein
- Super-convenient powder
Nutritional information may vary depending on flavour.
Why choose 100% N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine?
Amino acids occur naturally in protein which helps to build and repair new muscle1 — super-important whether you’re trying to build muscle or get shaped and toned.
Our super-convenient powder is perfect for boosting your L-tyrosine levels — making sure you’re getting the most out of this non-essential amino acid
1. Protein contributes to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass.
PREPORUČENA UPOTREBA: Pomiješajte 300mg (otprilike 1 mjericu) sa najmanje 50ml vode ili soka. Konzumirajte jednom dnevno. Prah se slegne tokom vremena, preporučujemo vaganje za najprecizniju mjeru.
VAŽNE INFORMACIJE: Čuvajte na hladnom i suhom mjestu dalje od direktne sunčeve svjetlosti. Nemojte uzimati više od navedene preporučene dnevne doze. Ovaj proizvod se ne smije koristiti kao zamjena za raznoliku, uravnoteženu ishranu i zdrav način života. Čuvajte van dohvata male djece. Nije prikladno za vegetarijance.
Serving Size - 300 mg
Servings Per Container - 333 (100g), 833 (250g), 1666 (500g)
Nutritional Information
Per Serving N Acetyl L Tyrosine 300 mg The nutritional information is based on the Unflavoured version, when choosing an alternative flavour the nutritional values may vary.
BEZ OKUSA: N-acetil-L-tirozin
INFORMACIJE O ALERGENIMA: Može sadržavati mlijeko.
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